Well, now everyone knows that his helmet lets him use Identify, but will any of his other little tricks help him against the heartbroken Nyna? Also, if it wasn’t clear, the RAID icon is glitching/flickering – so it’s not stable, if it were I would have just left it as clean text 😀

“Robin! Unleash the BatOom!”
This is interesting. I see my comment from last has an answer at least—his 49% chance of winning is because her status is glitching in/out of RAID mode.
I wonder, if she becomes a RAID level encounter on her own, and the system recognizes Katelyn as Nyna’s pet, if Katelyn will get a boost to her stats out of it?
Congratulations, you’ve just spawned a fully enraged raid boss level opponent and you are all alone… have a nice time
oh shi-
I ken, an opener of suprano solo choral acapela that straight shifts to death metal. High teir boss music.
Last week I misread the words as ‘Nekomata RAGE’ at first, and it is still fitting.
When Kaylin gets back into the fight it might be more as support to Nyna rather than being the main opponent, which might fit her build better anyway.
Hell hath no fury…
pretty sure something else got evoked
Looks like someone hit the Kaylin button, they shouldn’t have done that. *ends TFS reference*
But seriously we knew her mother was notably powerful so it looks like Nyna had a similar potential that just needed the right trigger to access. Let’s just hope that Nyna can pull it back and doesn’t get stuck in her berserker state.
[to armored jerk] You have just pushed Nyna’s Berserk Button. Nice knowing you, asshat.
Oh, that had to leave a mark.
Someone forgot to give King Talithar the full glossary of Adventurer terminology.
Although the flickering state of “level 80 Elite” to “RAID” likely wouldn’t be covered. But the term Raid would have.
Looks like Nyan got her enrage going from her raid boss heritage. And this guy just used his likely only heavy-hitter skill on Kaylin. Which means he’s screwed. With the amount of survivability he has, he’ll probably last a while, though. Enough for Kaylin to respawn, reconfigure her build, and get back into the fight.
This is the start of the fun part!
I dunno, thats a lot of blood coming out of the armor joints.
I guess we’ll find out next week 🙂
Redundantly Aggressive Instinctively Destructive.
but will it still offer protection once it is turned into metal scrap? 😉
Well, yes. It will selectively protect miniscule portions of his anatomy while not protecting other portions (due to gaping rents). If he can regenerate from any portion of his body, he’ll be ok. Somehow, I doubt this.
Well, he/she (the eyes make it a little iffy) might still ascend…to whatever plane their deity takes them to upon their demise…
If he is destroyed before he tells who his master / trainer is, the problem doesn’t really go away .
I’m actually glad to see the RAID label from the prior page carrying over here – both for the continuity and to draw attention to how important this is.
I also find it VERY curious that this NPC knows the word ‘malfunctioning’, as it is a more modern/technical term relating to machines. How much of the digital aspect of this world has been revealed to him?
Beyond that, I am interested in how Nyna is handling her “evolution.” Her mother had a set of techniques that punished skill use – skills like this guy might be using – so does Nyna somehow gain instinctive knowledge of the same, or is it something she’d have to be trained to do? Right now though it just looks like she’s got an unstable strength boost.
Generally, they use all kinds of modern language, just not a lot of slang, though not impossible for them to do so. They aren’t all talking using old English or anything like that. After all, their language is based on the languages that it was programmed with, which was not from the 1800s. Some have holdovers from programming of older NPCs that used certain ways of talking, but they have most of the full range of words used in modern language and their meaning. Malfunction, simply meaning bad or poor function, is something that could be used for many things of the “time” and more importantly setting. Hope that helps clear up the understanding of the use of certain words!
“Malfunction” dates back to the 1820s. https://www.etymonline.com/word/malfunction
Oh interesting! I had thought to look up similar when I was writing my earlier comment, and OED thinks it was first seen in the 1910s: https://www.oed.com/dictionary/malfunction_n
I’m not trying to argue the word shouldn’t be used here! It’s a topic that interests me a lot in various works of fiction – what word choices can mean about the world setting. The idea that NPCs can use language left over from their original programming (by modern-day people) is an amazing loophole overall for any intentional or unintentional blurring in the future 🙂
I’d hazard a guess it’s way older than that.
I was pretty sure it was a French word originally so I dug into that part.
The ‘mal’ part comes from the French word ‘mal’ meaning bad or wrong, coming from the Ancient Latin ‘mal’ meaning the same thing.
The ‘function’ part comes from the French word ‘fonction’ meaning “one’s proper work” in use from at least the 1530’s and coming again from the Ancient Latin ‘functionem’ meaning a performance or execution.
I’m pretty sure more than one Medieval French or probably an Ancient Roman worker looked sadly at a broken tool, shaking their head and saying c’est une mal de fonction or the equivalent in Latin and then opened a bottle of wine and said “that’s that, may as well start early” 😉
Well, we know Sena became a raid boss via strong emotions