wait so the Character Creation Profile gave Kaylin/Kevin her memories about her childhood okay that is a dangerous little affect of this situation
Aha. Thought so. Her profile is overwriting her player’s memories, and most people don’t bother with that shit/have a character profile.
Seriously, dude? You didn’t figure out Kaylin’s from a different game yet?
no, she already told him that this is a different game. he knows that however he may be unfamiliar with the details of this game. nothing says that all VR games are the same. they are just trying to find a difference between the games to explain her condition
Assuming the event happened to both of them in the same space of time. It’s possible these things have been going on for a long time.
Best Page till now.
That is a big differene between the games, it might not seem as such but that data is stored with the character. There is something more going on here that’s for sure.
This sounds like dissociative identity disorder where kaylin is the dominate one and kevin is dormant still the same person but different personalities, and that disconnect was only two real life days ago for them it seemed longer
little girl Kaylin is adorable.
I know! I want to hug her!
Star Parade doesn’t have character profiles? No wonder nobody plays it anymore.
Even a game over 10 years old right now (EVE Online) has them. VR games happening in space have no excuse.
It could be an RPG such as Dead Space, where the player doesn’t have the chance to add backstory. Alternatively it could be a roguelike such as FTL where about all the customization for free you have is their names.
wait so the Character Creation Profile gave Kaylin/Kevin her memories about her childhood okay that is a dangerous little affect of this situation
Aha. Thought so. Her profile is overwriting her player’s memories, and most people don’t bother with that shit/have a character profile.
Seriously, dude? You didn’t figure out Kaylin’s from a different game yet?
no, she already told him that this is a different game. he knows that however he may be unfamiliar with the details of this game. nothing says that all VR games are the same. they are just trying to find a difference between the games to explain her condition
Assuming the event happened to both of them in the same space of time. It’s possible these things have been going on for a long time.
Best Page till now.
That is a big differene between the games, it might not seem as such but that data is stored with the character. There is something more going on here that’s for sure.
This sounds like dissociative identity disorder where kaylin is the dominate one and kevin is dormant still the same person but different personalities, and that disconnect was only two real life days ago for them it seemed longer
little girl Kaylin is adorable.
I know! I want to hug her!
Star Parade doesn’t have character profiles? No wonder nobody plays it anymore.
Even a game over 10 years old right now (EVE Online) has them. VR games happening in space have no excuse.
It could be an RPG such as Dead Space, where the player doesn’t have the chance to add backstory. Alternatively it could be a roguelike such as FTL where about all the customization for free you have is their names.