Did you know that every Friday Night and Saturday afternoon (EDT/EST) I stream the sketching, Inking (Friday) and the coloring (Saturday) of Artificial Incident? If you didn’t- you do now! I stream every Friday Night at 9pm EDT/EST and Saturday at 3pm EDT/EST over at https://picarto.tv/Sagesaga

I think I smell sympathetic magic at work.
Still leaning towards the system is learning from Kaylin’s personality and applying it to the NPCs. 😛
Yeah starting to lean that way myself
Might be more of an urban legend kind of thing, she went around telling people that elves were like her, so the growing belief made it true.
Well she’s got seniority in the world, what she says must clearly be true if there’s nothing to contradict it 😉
Ohhhhh I live for the resentment In her face in the second panel. I wish i could give that look to people more often but that might get me fired…
So…does Relm’s database eventually get updated?
Even if the system modifies from Kaylin’s personality, it doesn’t mean everyone will change in that way. Some may go gay or bi, others will stay straight.
I love Kaylin’s expression in panel two. Just screams “I will ignore it this one time, but if you call me old again I WILL take you over my knee.”
she can take me over a knee “wink wink” nudge amIright? on another note, are all the elf girls in this world super busty cause I wont lie, would not bother me one bit if they are eh eh ? “nudge nudge” wink..;)
It’s a high elf trait to often be pretty busty in the game. Not so much for Woodelves and Moon elves (though they all can be). Dark elves are also known to be pretty busty but they are often more varied than the High elves.
I’m sorry Nyna but you do not just ignore side quests.
So my guess is that same sex relationships weren’t programmed into the game, but when the game started deviating from its programming, suddenly it became within the realm of possibility (note that Kaylen met Relm only a few days after she reappeared in the world, so her reappearance was also within the time of around two months ago). As for Nyna not finding it odd, there was probably more leeway when it came to filling in the blanks for monsters (and furthermore, it’s implied some were programmed to seduce prey into lowering their guard, which may have worked by different rules than relationships). Then again, I may just be overthinking things.
well I am sure this absolutely has nothing to do with her