Happy 4th of July! Don’t forget to wish Mihari a happy birthday Tomorrow (The 4th), it probably an understatement that Yosh! and AI wouldn’t be here without her. Not to mention all the work she does for the Katbox and artist in general.
Yosh! Will be on a short break for Anthrocon! AI’s updates SHOULD be unaffected, unless I get sick or something like that. Possibly even if I do get sick it might be done before then. I hope.

Fool !You just activated by dark-elf card !
Dark-efl card? Not the trap card?
I don’t think there are any trap characters in this comic yet. It’s probably just a matter of time, though.
Isn’t Kaylin played by a guy named Kevin? Ergo she technically is the trap card
Nope, Kaylin is a woman. She has some memories of having been a Man, but that doesn’t make her a “Trap”.
BATTLESTATIONS!!! Raise shields!!! Start recording and get the popcorn ready!!!
Run for the bunker!
Have fun at the con.
Like “I” said-
missing a pronoun there
also may want to italicize or something to show emphasis on the word “her” in that same speech bubble since that seems like a word she make sure to stress when making her statement.
I agree, thanks for the catch and the suggestion!
I really like Kaylin’s kind of diplomacy. How to insult the maximum amount of oponents in one short paragraph 😉
Them’s fighting words and all that .
Looking forward to the epic beatdown that should be coming next
I love that they are so fully committed to the fact that Kaylin is Nyna’s pet even in this kinda situation
why wouldn’t they be
initially it may have helped to avoid a conflict and now it is just a fun way to make light of the fact they just said that she had no opinion in the matter
Loving this comic so far. Keep up the great work. Also… a word of advice to any idjits out there, never piss of a dark elf Adventurer xD
I shall be following this one. [supposing it actually works, new to this website, lol].
And this is the point when the monster realised they screwed up.