More than one way to get stronger! But- wait- why do you need a walled in space for worship? I thought we established how they worship…

More than one way to get stronger! But- wait- why do you need a walled in space for worship? I thought we established how they worship…
It could be walls but no ceiling – open to the moonlight, but protected from enemies
Why do I sense something not being said?
Could she be one of the things they’re worshiping?
Didn’t the main goddess tell Kaylin that she didn’t have to do whatever the elven goddess asked her to do? Seems like a point of contention will occur inside those walls.
I sense a lewder worship among these NPCs, probably due to Kaylin’s previous intervention.
That would be my guess to, walls to keep out peeping toms rather than to provide protection from a more physical attack.
I see, so a place to dance naked under the moonlight. A place with walls but no ceiling fits the bill rather nicely.
so a shrine
Monstrous catgirls throwing watery swords at anyone wandering by is hardly a dignified form of worship 😉
A duck!
I guess the religious elves got tired of lookie-loos with dirty thoughts, every time they danced in the nude.
That, or other elves started worshipping different gods and objected to them strutting their stuff in public.
You made 2 guesses so i will say- one of them is very close to exactly what’s going on 😀
And it will be made clear soonish.
I recall Kevin, at the start of this, deciding to reduce Kaylin’s breasts from the largest possible in the character creator mode, to something smaller than Kaylin’s breasts look now. Is there an in-universe explanation for the increase seen now, or is Sage just so used to drawing huge breasts these days, that all characters max out now?
No, that can’t be correct, because Nyna is less than full chested. Oh, well, I’ll adjust.
The joke was that he put her just UNDER the largest possible- so shes only slightly smaller than the largest. Slime suits just have a habit of making things look bigger sometimes… 😛 (also – anyone who has drawn art for a long time should know consistency is a dream that cannot exist forever sometimes people are gonna draw things a little different, sometimes styles make things change- its how it goes.)
Between slime bodysuits and on-set water bottle shenanigans, there’s plenty of excuses for occasional extra size! Especially for effect when desired…
….Seriously with Kaylin’s social manipulation kit, I would NOT be surprised if she’s adept at ‘boosting her charisma’ for specific encounters! Either through body posing or even outright magic. She pulled a little of that during the Talithar diplomat after all… I’m pretty sure there’s precedent for MMO in game animations that alter proportions, right??
All of which is to say that we can just appreciate the pretty pages and dont need to overthink it too much 🙂
for some reason I feel like there is a Holy Gym Joke here but I can’t just grasp it
FYI, the second to last (fifth) panel has a typo. “ORIGNAL” should be “ORIGINAL”
Thanks! Surprised I missed that one myself- or that so many other people did too. O_O