Kaylin has confirmed that her goddess wants her to investigate this, buy why? She thinks if anyone should be asking her to look into this, it would be Kaala- but it turns out- Kaala had no idea it was happening. So- It really is important to be aware of what gods can do, as they should be the greatest possible threat. Kaylin was hoping that Kaala could give her an idea of what she’s really walking into, even if she had to trick her into revealing it, but what is most troublesome now is- she knows something is blocking a gods power? Is that because its something that strong? Or are gods not all that powerful- or is it just Kaala is especially weak as a god?

Uwah, scaryyyy
Ahem. Panel 3, should read THE ONLY ONES and panel 7 should read YOUR OPTIONS .
Gottem, thank you!
oooooooooooo boy; they need to start a church
Isn’t it “Your* options”?
Yes, “your options”. “You´re” is just “you are” shortened.
I recommend everyone to not use it unless they are confident to get it right every time.
But, you know, people. They´re wierd.
Come on now… It’s just a typo O_O;
XD Yes, i was just nagging for nagging sake.
Sims is a nagah, confirmed. /jk
I prefer cute and sparkly Kaala over crazy-ass eldritch Kaala…
From Cute to [Redacted] in a blink of the unblinking eye.
Did you happen to read Ane Naru Mono by pochi?