More proof that Nyna actually cares about Kaylin. Willing to ignore the rather dreary looking town to say “we can live here since you have friends here.”

More proof that Nyna actually cares about Kaylin. Willing to ignore the rather dreary looking town to say “we can live here since you have friends here.”
D’awwww~ <3
Oh yeah, that’s commitment. I like these small moments that show there’s more to their relationship than adrenaline.
I’m not going to say what the first thing that popped into my head was looking at Nyna in the second panel.
Kaylin does have a home now, it is wherever Nyna is!
As the old saying (almost) has it: wherever I lay my cat, that’s my home!
Close enough, I am thinking!
Interesting shadowing, that’s all I’ll say 😉
will the home have a nursery?
Why would they need that ? unless they go looking for a ‘donor’ ? oh, right, magic 😉
What I like about this is that we aren’t just getting more evidence that she really cares about Kaylin, but we are also getting a lot of interesting insight into the way Nyna thinks, the way she conceptualizes what she’s experiencing. To her, it seems, home is where your people are. Some of Kaylin’s people are here, so why would this not also be home?