The End of Chapter 8! Chapter 9 Starts next week! Cover should be up on Tuesday with the first page going up on Wednesday as usual!

The End of Chapter 8! Chapter 9 Starts next week! Cover should be up on Tuesday with the first page going up on Wednesday as usual!
Miiiiiike ><
Huh, I wonder what this means…
I’m guessing it’s like what the kid said, stuff he invented didn’t work on the first day, so something like the space ship took longer to resolve its issues with the physics of the world.
Never fails: finally get some down time to enjoy oneself and relax and here comes the interruption!
Did someone finally flip the breaker
Mike – “Ah yeah, so it turns out I just needed to turn it off and turn it back on!”
Kaylin – “Wait- Seriously?”
Mike – “NO! IT ALL JUST SUDDENLY STARTED WORKING! THAT’S WHY IT’S WEIRD!!!! . . . Kaylin? Hellllllo?… Huh- why did she hang up?”
new patch notes : enjoy your new magitech items and artificer class!
Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike…. guess what day it is?!?
Hmmm…….what a way to end a chapter?
So, it looks like all the adventurers can influence things (or the rules) in the world around them. It will be fun to see where all of this goes.
. . .so is mike’s ship starting up a good thing or a bad thing?
It looks like Mike can go out of VR.
Eh? Where did this come from?
Not me for a change?
Looks like he’s out of the comma now but how about the others?
You’ll find out in the next chapter I can tell.
Why do you think this? This doesn’t make any sense to me. Even if you think for some reason he’s awake- why would he look just like his character and be wearing his space suit? How is he talking to someone in game if he’s out of the game? Why does he have a rock wall next to him? Why wouldn’t he say that he’s free if he could talk to her? Why would he care about his virtual game ship working if he was out of the game?
(for those thinking it looks like he’s out of the VR:) That’s the cockpit of his ship, not a VR pod