That was really unfair. Dropping a bomb like that. That said, it’s one way to really get someone to rapidly rethink a position.

That was really unfair. Dropping a bomb like that. That said, it’s one way to really get someone to rapidly rethink a position.
Jack, I know they’re nice, but eyes up buddy. (1st panel)
Even though she had a quest update, she better first verify the diplomat really is from that region though.
Quest chains can send you after the wrong people on the way to the correct ones after all.
Letter N in Talinthar shouldn’t be there, I think.
Great catch, yes, I have a D&D character named Talin and whenever I type Talithar i seem to always write Talin XD
He didn’t correct her 😀
Either he’s entirely given up on correcting her at this point, or the topic was too distracting. (Maybe he’ll remember later and try correcting? Heh.)
Too distracting, i´m jus tnot sure whether the distracting thing was the topic or the cleavage.
I for one would definitely be distracted by the latter.
Boobs have the magical ability the reduce a man´s capability to think by 50%. Per boob.