Finally, I get to draw a bunch of undead attacking a town! . . . Aww crap, now I gotta draw a bunch of undead attacking a town. Writer me and Illustrator me have varying opinions on things.

Finally, I get to draw a bunch of undead attacking a town! . . . Aww crap, now I gotta draw a bunch of undead attacking a town. Writer me and Illustrator me have varying opinions on things.
ooh we’re gonna see that other boss in action eh
Be interesting to see Kaylin in action when she doesn’t have to hold back. That horde of undead is in for a surprise!
Sounds like we’ll get to see what Sena really can do, and why she is the one to keep Aiya in line.
Can’t wait. Must wait.
Got to love that commanding phrase shift from Nyna. “Would you like to join me?” “I’ll take Kaylin and use her to-“
Writer : This is gonna be awesome!
Artist : what did you do?
Writer : gonna have a horde of monsters attack a town! Maybe show some cool effects from a friendly RAID boss!
Artist : uh oh…
The artist must sooner or later give in to the writer. Though this may cause resentment at first, the artist will one day forgive the writer for pressuring them to accomplish awesomeness.
I don’t like the way Nyna saying I will use Kaylin
that’s not a very nice thing to say about somebody
pet or not.
Would have been better if she said something like me and Kaylin will draw them away
Heh, I was going to comment that I liked the shift from “Do you want to join me?” To “I’ll take Kaylin and use her to-“.
Except they already said, undead are more attracted to “Adventurers” (Player characters) this was even shown way back when an undead Nyna was surprised to see appeared to attack Kaylin in the forest when they first met. So, she is totally using Kaylin as effective bait. Kaylin was going to do it regardless. Besides, people use each other all the time, it doesn’t make it inherently a bad thing.
Heh, I know that problem from character design.